About Land Peace Foundation

Our Mission

The Land Peace Foundation is committed to preserving the Indigenous way of life, deepening connection to place, and strengthening Wabanaki kinship and ally networks. We do this through strong Indigenous leadership programs, multi-faceted land-based learning opportunities, comprehensive environmental justice programs, and the convening of community healing gatherings.

We believe that success means being a good relative.  

This belief forms the foundational understanding that grounds our organization. All societies organize around core principles. The core principles for Wabanaki Peoples are kinship and mutual care.

Recognizing our interrelatedness with all living beings and developing compassionate awareness of collective gifts and needs allows us to care for one another in ways that are necessary and meaningful.

We believe that humility is an essential part of a healthy relationship. Therefore, we routinely self-reflect to ensure that we remain aligned with our core cultural values and make corrections as needed.

We measure our success by our ability to care for our family, friends, and neighbors and to maintain healthy relationships across time.