Wicuhkemtultine Land-Based Programs

Land Peace Foundation’s Commitment to the Land

The Land Peace Foundation honors the sovereignty of the land, which means we acknowledge the right that the land has to exist free from molestation and the expectation of human productivity. The reclamation of land by the Land Peace Foundation is viewed as a ceremonial homecoming, a transitional process that moves the land back to its rightful status as a coequal being, possessing the same rights that we expect for ourselves. It is our intent that the land find sanctuary under the umbrella of our organization. Therefore, the officers and employees of the Land Peace Foundation shall view the land as a living relative, honoring the rights that the land holds when making alterations to or on the land. The Land Peace Foundation further commits to choosing minimally invasive and sustainable practices when working with the land. As an organization, and as a collective of human beings, the Land Peace Foundation also honors the right of the land to remain intact. Parcels may be added to our holdings, but no lands shall be marketed or sold unless they are being transferred into the care of an organization with aligned values and commitments toward honoring, conserving, and protecting the land (LPF By-Laws Article XIII).