Dear friends and allies - We understand that many of you are uncertain how to proceed with the EPA's Thriving Communities Environmental Justice Grants program. We recognize that the chaos and confusion surrounding this transition process is causing everyone a great deal of concern. We share that concern.
We don't know how things will play out moving forward, as these are unprecedented times. However, at this moment we plan to move forward with our EJ for New England partners, in accordance with the guidance we have been given.
Moving Forward
We encourage each of you to complete your grant applications and submit them as planned. Please note that the submission deadline has been extended to March 7, 2025, to give everyone sufficient time to complete the applications that were paused when the freeze occurred.
As new information is provided to us, we will be sure to pass it on to you in a timely manner. We appreciate your patience and the work that you are each doing to ensure that environmental justice is recognized and addressed in our region and across the nation.
The Land Peace Foundation is honored to have been selected as the Maine Anchor Organization for the EPA Thriving Communities EJ Grants Program. Our role in this program is to disseminate information, share tools and resources, and connect applicants with needed technical support. In the coming months, we will be hosting a number of regional information sessions across the state, please join our mailing list for updated information and upcoming events.
You can learn more about the grant program and find additional support opportunities at the links below.
you can also Become a decision-maker in this groundbreaking Environmental Justice funding opportunity
Environmental Justice for New England (EJforNE) is a partnership between the Grassroots Fund, Health Resources in Action, and Alternatives for Community & Environment, who together serve as the New England region Grantmaker for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice Communities Grantmaking Program (TCGM).
EJforNE will grant $48 million over the next three years to support the growth of a sustainable, community-driven environmental justice movement to counter historical disinvestment in communities – aiming to address environmental hazards, climate resiliency, and energy justice, and build livable and healthy communities.
We are seeking Readers and Grantmaking Committee (GMC) members to play key roles in this process. Please note, the number of roles available will be based on the volume of applications received. An honorarium will be provided for Readers and GMC members who are not participating on behalf of their place of employment.
Grant Readers: Readers will commit to two rounds of applications over the course of six months. They will be tasked with the review of +/- 4 applications and providing input based on the application’s alignment with a pre-determined rubric. The Grantmaking Committee will take reader reviews into account in their decision-making on final funding outcomes. For more information on the role, commitment expectations, and eligibility see the Reader info sheet, here.
Grantmaking Committee: The GMC will be made up of 12-15 carefully selected community representatives from across the region who will work together over the course of a full year, covering four grantmaking rounds. GMC members will be tasked with reviewing applications and evaluation rubrics from Readers to make final decisions on Thriving Communities grants. For more information on the role, commitment expectations, and eligibility see the GMC info sheet, here.