The journey begins on April 22nd at the Penobscot Nation Boat Landing and concludes on April 29th at the State House in Augusta.
What is the Journey of Peace & Friendship?
It is an invitation to connect, an opportunity to move in loving solidarity with our friends and neighbors, to purposely walk toward the world that we most want to inhabit. We are coming together to actively embody our deepest held social values and most aspirational spiritual goals, such as: kindness, acceptance, mutual care, and respect.
What Does the Journey Look Like?
We will begin on Earth Day, with an opening ceremony led by Wabanaki Peoples on the banks the Penobscot River. Here, the first people of this land will extend the hand of peace and friendship to all of those who have come to their homelands seeking peace, refuge, safety, and a better life for their families. We will then offer our collective gratitude to the sacred mother who has welcomed us all, Nikwus Skitkomiq, Mother Earth.
Following the opening ceremony, we will share a community meal then begin our processional. The first day will end with a closing prayer in Orono.
We will begin and end each day with a prayer, ritual, or ceremony led by one or more of the faith or cultural groups supporting this event, with longer prayer gatherings being held Saturday, April 26th at noon and Sunday April 27th at 6 PM.
We will arrive at the Maine State House in Augusta on April 29th at 11:30 am, where we will hold a multi-faith, multi-cultural prayer and gratitude ceremony focused on our shared values, hopes, and commitments for a more humane, safe, and loving world.
A detailed schedule will be posted just prior to the event, and a map will be given to those walking with us each day.
All those interested in joining us in the spirit of peace and friendship are welcome.
There are many ways for you to participate. Here are some suggestions:
Attend the Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
Walk with us for all or a portion of each day.
Join us for the beginning or end of day prayer ceremonies, locations TBA.
Host prayer or ceremonial circles with your friends or neighbors from your location at the time of the walk, uplifting the values connected to this journey.
Drive a support vehicle to help those walking.
Provide sealed snacks or drinks for those walking.
Contribute to the potluck meal for the Opening ceremony, or the Saturday or Sunday prayer ceremonies (If you are contributing to these meals please bring a dish with a label listing all ingredients to prevent any allergy issues).
Make a donation to the Land Peace Foundation to help with logistical needs during the walk.